Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Changing the name of a SQL Server PC

1. Delete all maintenance plans before renaming the server
2. Go to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
3. Click new query
4. Run the following procedures without       "< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sp_dropserver 'KUSERVER'                           <GO                                                                  
sp_addserver 'ANUSERVER', local               <GO

5. Restart the PC
6. Go to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
7. Click new query
8. Change Database to "msdb "
9. Copy this Query to new query, change 2nd line (New Server Name) & execute query.
DECLARE @oldservername as varchar(max)
SET @oldservername='
ANUSERVER'-- set the new server name to the current server name
declare @newservername as varchar(max)
set @newservername = @@servername
declare @xml as varchar(max)
declare @packagedata as varbinary(max)-- get all the plans that have the old server name in their connection string
DECLARE PlansToFix Cursor FOR
FROM sysssispackages
WHERE (CAST(CAST(packagedata AS varbinary(MAX)) AS varchar(MAX)) LIKE '%Data Source=' + @oldservername + '%')

OPEN PlansToFix
declare @planid uniqueidentifier
fetch next from PlansToFix into @planid
while (@@fetch_status<>-1) -- for each plan
if (@@fetch_status<>-2)
select @xml=cast(cast(packagedata as varbinary(max)) as varchar(max))
from sysssispackages where id= @planid -- get the plan's xml converted to an xml string
declare @planname varchar(max)select @planname=[name] from sysssispackages where id= @planid -- get the plan name
print 'Changing ' + @planname + ' server from ' + @oldservername + ' to ' + @newservername -- print out what change is happening
set @xml=replace(@xml,'Data Source=' + @oldservername,'Data Source=' + @newservername) -- replace the old server name with the new server name in the connection string
select @packagedata=cast(@xml as varbinary(max)) -- convert the xml back to binary
UPDATE sysssispackages SET packagedata = @packagedata WHERE (id= @planid) -- update the plan
fetch next from PlansToFix into @planid -- get the next plan
close PlansToFix
deallocate PlansToFix

10. restart SQLSERVER Service or Restart your pc
11. Create maintenance plans
12. If this doesn't work, leave a comment here and I will help you....