Monday, September 12, 2011

Sharing the Internet with DialUp Connection

How to use Internet Connection Sharing

To use Internet Connection Sharing to share your Internet connection, the host computer must have one network adapter that is configured to connect to the internal network, and one network adapter or modem that is configured to connect to the Internet.

1) On the host computer

On the host computer, follow these steps to share the Internet connection:
  1. Log on to the host computer as Administrator or as Owner.
  2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
  3. Click Network and Internet Connections.
  4. Click Network Connections.
  5. Right-click the connection that you use to connect to the Internet. For example, if you connect to the Internet by using a modem, right-click the connection that you want under Dial-up.
  6. Click Properties.
  7. Click the Advanced tab.
  8. Under Internet Connection Sharing, select the Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection check box.
  9. If you are sharing a dial-up Internet connection, select the Establish a dial-up connection whenever a computer on my network attempts to access the Internet check box if you want to permit your computer to automatically connect to the Internet.
  10. Click OK. You receive the following message:
    When Internet Connection Sharing is enabled, your LAN adapter will be set to use IP
    address Your computer may lose connectivity with other computers on
    your network. If these other computers have static IP addresses, it is a good idea to set them
    to obtain their IP addresses automatically. Are you sure you want to enable Internet
    Connection Sharing?
  11. Click Yes.
The connection to the Internet is shared to other computers on the local area network (LAN). The network adapter that is connected to the LAN is configured with a static IP address of and a subnet mask of

2) On the client computer

To connect to the Internet by using the shared connection, you must confirm the LAN adapter IP configuration, and then configure the client computer. To confirm the LAN adapter IP configuration, follow these steps:
  1. Log on to the client computer as Administrator or as Owner.
  2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
  3. Click Network and Internet Connections.
  4. Click Network Connections.
  5. Right-click Local Area Connection, and then click Properties.
  6. Click the General tab, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the This connection uses the following items list, and then click Properties.
  7. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box, click Obtain an IP address automatically (if it is not already selected), and then click OK.

    Note You can also assign a unique static IP address in the range of to For example, you can assign the following static IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway:
       IP Address    Subnet mask    Default gateway      
  8. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click OK.
  9. Quit Control Panel.

3) To configure the client computer to use the shared Internet connection, follow these steps:
  1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
  2. Click Network and Internet Connections.
  3. Click Internet Options.
  4. In the Internet Properties dialog box, click the Connections tab.
  5. Click the Setup button.

    The New Connection Wizard starts.
  6. On the Welcome to the New Connection Wizard page, click Next.
  7. Click Connect to the Internet, and then click Next.
  8. Click Set up my connection manually, and then click Next.
  9. Click Connect using a broadband connection that is always on, and then click Next.
  10. On the Completing the New Connection Wizard page, click Finish.
  11. Quit Control Panel.
When you now start Microsoft Internet Explorer, the client computer will try to connect to the Internet by using the host computer's shared Internet connection.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Create Hidden User Account In Windows XP

Since we are going to do all the Editing in Window Registry it is Recommended to Back Up the Registry before going Further.

After you have Backed up your registry follow the Steps to Create your Hidden Account:

First Goto Start -> Run -> Type regedit -> Enter
In the Left Menu goto,

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Cu rrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList

In the Right pane, Right click -> New -> String Value
Right click on the new String Value and click Rename
Type the Name of the Account you want to hide.
Hit Enter then Right click on the String Value again and Change value to 0 which hides it. If you want it to be Visible to all Enter the Value 1.
Now Save and Exit the Registry and Logoff.
Goto welcome screen and Hit ctrl+alt+del twice to bring up Logon prompt
Type hidden Accounts name and password

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ophcrack - Crack Windows XP tha Password (not change password. It's show the password )

Ophcrack is a free Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables. It is a very efficient implementation of rainbow tables done by the inventors of the method. It comes with a Graphical User Interface and runs on multiple platforms.


  • » Runs on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, ...
  • » Cracks LM and NTLM hashes.
  • » Free tables available for Windows XP and Vista.
  • » Brute-force module for simple passwords.
  • » Audit mode and CSV export.
  • » Real-time graphs to analyze the passwords.
  • » LiveCD available to simplify the cracking.
  • » Loads hashes from encrypted SAM recovered from a Windows partition, Vista included.
  • » Free and open source software (GPL).
Download URL

Sunday, March 27, 2011

GPRS/ MMS Settings (Srilanka) Mobitel / Dialog / Etisalat / Airtel / Hutch

Sri Lanka Telecom Mobitel

Access Point: ISP

WAP Settings
- Data bearer: Packet data
- Access point name: isp
- Authentication: Normal
- Homepage:
- Network type : IPv4
- Phone ip address : Atomatic
- Proxy serv. address :
- Proxy port number : 0

MMS Settings
- Connection name – MobitelMMS
- Data bearer – Packet data
- Access point name – wapmms
- Authentication – Normal
- Homepage –
- Network type : IPv4
- Phone ip address : Atomatic
- Name server : Atomatic
- Proxy serv. address :
- Proxy port number : 8080

Get your own settings Dial 222 on your Mobitel phone
  • The settings relevant to your phone would be identified by the system and sent via SMS to your phone
  • Then save the settings upon receipt of the SMS
  • Some phone models may require a password to be entered prior to saving the settings, in which case you need to enter the default password: 1234 as explained in the portal

Dialog Telecom

Manual settings

You can activate it by entering the settings yourself.

  1. Enter the Access Point Name (APN)
    Prepaid Customer: ppwap
    Postpaid Customer:
  2. Enter Session mode as Permanent with no user name and password
  3. Enter website as (separation should be full stop not comma)

GPRS settings vary from phone to phone. On a case by case basis you can add the following settings:

Case 1: Enter the Gateway IP as
Case 2: Enter the Proxy IP as and port 8080
Case 3: Enter the Gateway IP as and port 9201

Configuring MMS Using the Data Accounts Created

1. Open Messages.
2. Open MMS.
3. Open Message Settings.
4. Open Server Profile.
5. Create/Edit a Profile and enter the following values:
For Dialog MMS Profile:
Rename Profile: Dialog MMS
Homepage: (
Data Account: Dialog MMS (this data account is the one you have created)
Connection Type: HTTP
Proxy Address:
Proxy Port: 8080
Username: leave it blank
Password: leave it blank

6. Save the Profile.
7. Activate the Profile.
8. MMS services now ready to use. In case you encounter errors, double check the Data Account and Profile created. In some cases you need to restart the phone.

Etisalat Sri Lanka

Manual GPRS settings:

Home page URL :
IP Address :
Port No : 9401
APN : wap / web : Applicable for Pre paid
wap / internet : Applicable for Post paid
Data barer : GPRS / Packet data

Manual MMS settings:

MMS server URL :
IP Address :
Port No : 9401
APN : mms - Applicable for both Post paid and Pre paid
Data barer : GPRS / Packet data

Get your own settings >>


Airtel Live (GPRS)

Connection Name : Airtel Live

Data bearer : Packet Data

Access Point Name : Airtel Live

Prompt Password : No

Authentication : Normal

Proxy Serv. Address :

Proxy Port : 8080

Airtel MMS

Connection Name : Airtel MMS

Data bearer : Packet Data

Access Point Name : Airtel MMS

Prompt Password : No

Authentication : Normal

Proxy Serv. Address :

Proxy Port : 8080

Hutchison GSM

Connection Name : hutchlanka

Data bearer : Packet Data

Access Point Name : htwap

Username : 9478******* (Replace With your Phone Number)

Password :

Prompt Password : No

Authentication : Normal

Homepage :

Proxy Serv. Address :

Proxy Port : 8080

Get your own settings >>

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Configure WiFi Settings N97mini

First up, we need to find out if you have a Wi-Fi access point for your network. If yes, then you need to find out the security access settings (if security is enabled) and second, if this is a DHCP network or you have to manually configure the settings?

Your choices will be (after you log on to the network):

  1. If Wi-Fi access point is DHCP enabled, then your phone should automatically acquire an IP for use on the network and you are good to go.
  2. If the Wi-Fi access point is not DHCP enabled, then you need to get the IP for your phone. (we will address the manual configuration later when we configure the proxy)

OK. So far so good. Now, if your phone got an IP automatically (as per pt. #1 above) then you would look to set your proxy settings. While people who need to assign an IP manually, need to follow an extra step as follows:

  1. Open your Menu ( this is done by pressing the menu key on your N97 mini) and then to “Settings”
  2. Under “Settings” Go to > “Connectivity” > “Destinations” and finally to “Internet”. (phew!!! that was looooong!!!)
  3. Now, select the access point from the list that you want to configure. Let’s call it “Planet3” (in this example). Now, open Planet3 settings by clicking on it two times (like you double left-click on your PC).
  4. You will now see the settings for the access point. That’s good. Now, click on options button at the bottom left of the screen and select “Advanced Settings” from the list. This will take you to the advanced settings.
  5. In Advanced Settings, You will now see four settings, namely IPv4 settings, IPv6 settings, Proxy Server Address and Proxy port number.
  6. For those whose phone already has an IP set by DHCP, please set the proxy server and proxy port here and then just click OK or Back and close the settings screen and return to the Home Screen and you are finished and ready to use your network at work. For those whose phone needs manual assigning of an IP, please go to next step.
  7. For setting the phone’s network IP manually, click on the IPv4 settings option in the Advanced settings from step 5.
  8. Now, click on Phone IP address and set the IP that you got from your network administrator. Click OK and then set the network DNS by going to DNS addresses and then setting your primary and secondary DNS (if any). Click on OK and exit and then return to Advanced settings menu and set your proxy address and proxy port if you haven’t already done so. That’s it!

There you go. No one told me how to do it. I found out and now I share the same info with you people. Hope you liked it! Please share your comments and don’t forget to tell your friends about this blog! ;-)